In today's blog, we take a look at what's inside the cases of our favorite SHAR employees and SHAR friends. Strings, Bach, tuners, tea, playing cards and more. If you want to get in on the fun and share the contents of your case, email a photo and 140 character max description of your case contents to SHAR Apprentice James Engman ( Each week, we'll add five photos we like to our blog! Or, if you're on Twitter, post your photo to #caseconfessions.
College Violinist (Gretchen, 23, NY): Tea is vital when I practice at all hours of the day. After Friday master class we walk to the union for cards and fun! #caseconfessions
Bluegrass Gigger (James, 25, WI): Crucial stuff. Sound post adjusters, Dampit, fresh strings, and manicure kit keep everything in check for a tight schedule #caseconfessions
Fulfilling Her Destiny (Kelsey, 11, IL): Yellow is my favorite color! I am reading The Hobbit on the bus and when I wait for my mom. #caseconfessions
Severe Cellist (Derek, 27, CA): I couldn’t survive without my precise Korg Orchestral tuner or Dr. Beat Pocket. Precision! #caseconfessions
College Violist (Rachel, 24, MI): Everything in this case is extremely useful and important. Hey! A Laffy Taffy! #caseconfessions
Electric Fanatic (Cecille, 23, MI):The String Swing is integral to my setup. It’s much easier to switch between my microphone and electric violin. #caseconfessions