It seems like our dear violists have a heavy weight to bear with the millions of viola jokes out there. So, how about some violin jokes to offset this burden? These are all original, written by my dad, Russell Barnes.
What is the difference between a violin and Long John Silver?
One has a peg box and the other has a peg leg.
What is the difference between a violin and an Australian Aborigine?
One has a lower bout, the other has a walkabout.
Knock, knock.
Who’s there?
Fiddle who?
Fiddle Castro.
Why is a violin like the British Museum?
They both have scrolls.
Why are violins like rivers?
They both have bridges.
What is the difference between a sound post and a trading post?
You can get something good from a trading post.
What’s the best part of a violin?
The mute.
How many tuners does a violin have?
A violin has tuners?
Why does a violin have only four strings?
That’s as high as a violinist can count.
Who is the best violinist?
Who cares?
What's the difference between a fiddle and a violin?
A fiddle smells like hay.
What is the difference between a fiddler and a violinist?
A fiddler is employed.
Why did Beethoven write ten violin sonatas?
Because he was deaf.
Why didn't Tchaikovsky write any violin sonatas?
Because he wasn’t.